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University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue Advocates !

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Poverty leads people to be criminals, especially in the Philippines. Let’s face the painful truth that some our brothers and sisters are hungry, some don’t have any shelter, some don’t have anything that will cover their bodies. How can we end this situation that they’re suffering?
     In this photo above, you can see how children are used to ask people for money not only the young child carrying a in her arms which in many cases is done on purpose for begging purposes you can also see on the top left an adult pulling a child’s arm to put out her hand to beg. A lot of the begging is professional and staged in a way to entice money out of people. In some cases, children are used by their own parent, that’s reality. Sad to say that people nowadays, will do everything just for them to live without knowing they are hurting their children. In other cases, some syndicate encouraged kids to go and ask for money by targeting the people they want the kids to approach. They know people are more likely to give to a child over an adult and thus it goes from poverty to a business operating on it. Poverty kills innocent people, some are just victims. Back to this photo, these children are living with nothing. I mean, they’re supposed to go to school and learn, they’re supposed to play outside and be with their family. But instead of going out, they’re in the middle of the street begging for something. Something that will fill their stomach and for their young ones. It’s the sad reality here in our country. Our government said they will do something about it, but it’s just their words and I think, until now, they’re doing nothing.
There are a lot of reasons why people in our country live in poverty despite the abundant resources present. The most common reason is the attitude of the people towards the environment and the lack of knowledge regarding the proper care for these resources. I just hope, time will come that these people that are in the state of poverty will soon overcome their suffering. 

---- Kris CaƱete 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

First post

I hope my groupmates will appreciate my work :)
If you guys wanna change something, then go ! Don't hesitate to do it . I don't own anything .
Its OURS ! ♥