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Monday, February 06, 2012


Change is inevitable as well as poverty. Have you not asked about this social virus?  Or, have you remembered any president in our government who try to solve this enigma? The only thing we can remember about our respected presidents was their promises aligned with their platforms. Indeed, poverty still exists and is the antagonist of our economy. Poverty is slowly attacking every human endeavor. It does not choose its victim regardless of your social status whether you are a prominent person or you belong in an indigent family. In totality, it reached millions or even billions of dollars had been spent just to decline it yet, no positive effects had been seen. Wealthy nations in the first world category were not able to cite a solution and how much more our country? No one has solved and will solve poverty unless the venom of corruption will loss its toxic.

This picture does not convey a denotative explanation but rather, it connotes what is the current situation of our society. It concurs to the consensus that poverty is everywhere. Lastly, it synthesize that poverty in our country has surpassed our expectations. In order to concretize its message, according to the Philippine Statistics 2006, 32.9%(2006 est) of Filipinos belong to below poverty line. Furthermore, in the report of CIA World FactBook, Philippines has a total public debt of $104.59 billion in 2006 or in Philippine money, more than 4 trillion and is increasing annually. In addition, according to United Nations, Philippines is still a member of Third World Countries which vividly implies that the poverty situation in our country is getting worst and rampant in every locality. In relation, this picture is a single representation that summarizes the Philippines situation. It illustrates that poverty is such an unbeatable foe that neither laws and regulations nor wealth can jeopardize it. This picture is one of the few who tries to open the eyes of every Filipino about the power of poverty. The worst thing of this picture is that, it bespeaks the hidden reality that it is not only the older ones who will suffer but, the next generation shall inherit this shame and burden. If this will happen, expect nothing for the next Filipino civilization will be demolish for poverty will vanish our grandeur existence in the book of history.
I may have laid too much definition in this picture but it is because, I want is it to be valid for you to be convinced. As a whole, this picture elicits that there is only one problem that must be conquered and that is POVERTY. Hundreds of solutions were pointed out however; no single crusade had been launched. Sooner or later, we shall see the regime of poverty and it is we humans who will become the errand of sufferings.  We should stop acting as if we are innocent for the real suspects are humans. Let us all remember that poverty is unpredictable but remember also, it is not applicable that poverty cannot be solved. Let us not wait that poverty will dominate for we were warned of the eminent ego of poverty.

 --- Justy Tuquib

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