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University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue Advocates !

Monday, February 06, 2012

Nowadays, the country is experiencing to much poverty causing a lot of Filipino to experience lack of Physical and Biological needs.. We, people have seen and observe this kind of problem in our country, and even in the other country experienced  this big big problem whom nobody, no one can solve ….. 

In this photo a boy stands beside a push cart full of scrap materials collected on the streets in Quezon City Metro Manila, We can relate that nobody can’t escape in this problem. Many families are suffering; more families can’t afford to feed themselves... Have you asked yourself what’s the main cause of this? Or Have you encounter this kind of problem? , then who can solved this problem? Do we have the solution? Until how years & decades are we going to experienced this?  Yes, We are very lucky compared to them, We can eat 3 times a day, but have you realized that there are Filipino people who suffered and find there ways  just to sustain their daily  needs? “POVERTY can be compared to a contagious disease, It can be passing generation to generation if cannot be cured”… 

We should not only speak but we must do an action to stop/prevent Poverty from coming, yet, we can’t solve this entire problem, but we must do and help each other as one “Action speaks louder than Words’’ and “ Every problem has a Solution’’

--- Erika M. Olivar 

1 comment:

  1. Why do you have different font styles within ONE sentence? :)
